Ecology, evolution & complex data analyses

I work on the impact of global changes on phenotypic plasticity
and adaptation in wild populations.
To understand this,
I study long-term monitored bird populations
and use Bayesian statistical modelling
(quantitative genetics, capture recapture models...)
Marie Curie fellowship
(post-doctoral position)
Sept 2023 / Aug 2025
(2 years)
Trondheim – Norway
"Escape from upheavals:
evolutionary potential of migratory plasticity facing climate changes"
Long term intensive monitoring of European Shag in Scotland
Multi-state capture recapture reaction norms
With Jane Reid & Francis Daunt,
and in close collaboration with Rita Fortuna, Paul Acker and Cassandra Ugland

Bonamour, S., Chevin, L.-M., Réale, D., Teplitsky, C. and Charmantier, A. (2020) Age-dependent phenological plasticity in a wild bird. J Anim Ecol. 2020;00:1–9. https://doi. org/10.1111/1365-2656.13337
Bonamour, S., Charmantier, A., Chevin, L.-M. and Teplitsky, C. (2019) Phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change: the importance of cue variation. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal society B, 374 : 20180178. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2018.0178.
Bonamour, S., Teplitsky, C., Charmantier, A., Crochet, P.-A. and Chevin, L.-M. (2017) Selection on skewed characters and the paradox of stasis. Evolution 71(11): 2703-2713. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.13368.
Bonamour, S., Bastianelli, O., Chevin, L.-M., Charmantier A. and Teplitsky C. (in prep.) Senescence in wild blue tits:
Does environmental age matter?
Bonamour, S., Teplitsky, C., Charmantier, A. and Chevin, L. M. (in prep.) Selection and evolution of phenological plasticity in a fluctuating natural environment.
Biquet, J., Bonamour, S., de Villemereuil, P. and Teplitsky, C. (in prep.) Adaptation to climate change in Blue tit: microevolution or phenotypic plasticity?

June 2022 / August 2023

Survival in wild blue tits: reproductive timing and its plasticity matters
Statistics, capture-recapture analyses, reaction norm analyses, boostrapping
Muséum Nation d'Histoire Naturelles (MNHN)
Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO)
Paris - France

Sept 2020 / May 2022
Assistant Prof.

Attachée temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche (ATER)
~ 192h / year
Statistics (B. Sc. and M. Sc.)
Ecology and Evolution (B. Sc.)
Evolutionary potential of phenology in Lesser Kestrel and Blue tits in south of France.
Quantitative genetics
Capture-mark-recapture analyses
Natural selection estimations
Sorbonne Université
Muséum Nation d'Histoire Naturelles (MNHN)
Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO)
Paris - France

P.H. D.

Breeding with seasons:
Variability, heritability, and natural selection
of phenological plasticity in a wild bird
Statistics, quantative genetics
Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CEFE )
CNRS – UMR 5175
University of Montpellier – France
M. SC.

Evolutionary Biology
Population and quantitative genetics, genomics, ecology
and eco-evolutionary dynamic
University of Montpellier – France
B. SC.

Biology of organisms and populations
Population and community ecology, physiology, genetics
University of Lille – France
Breeding with seasons: Variability, heritability, and natural selection of phenological plasticity in a wild bird
Céline Teplitsky, Anne Charmantier and Luis-Miguel Chevin
Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive (CEFE)
Montpellier - France
Open access:

Long-term study of the (Mediterranean) wild Blue tit
Catching, ringing, morphological measurements, personnality tests and blood tests in passerines.
Montpellier and Corsica – France
Springs 2017, 2018 and 2019
Specialist ringing permit (Blue tit and Great tit species) from the CRBPO, Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris, France.

Postdoctoral fellowship

Marie Sklodowska-Curie
European Postdoctoral Fellowships (210 000 €)
2 years
From the French ministry of research and higher education (90.000 €)
Doctoral School GAIA – University of Montpellier – France


From Globalink
For international collaboration (7.000 $CAD)
Visit in the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), in the Denis Réale lab – Canada
Summer 2017 – 2 months